Fire Installation & Maintenance

Willow Fire & Security are your trusted partner for professional Fire Alarm installations, maintenance  and repair solutions. Our team of experienced technicians is dedicated to ensuring the optimal performance and safety of your Fire Alarm systems.

Why Choose Us for Fire Services?

With years of experience in the industry, our skilled technicians possess the expertise needed to handle a wide range of fire alarm systems. Whether you have a conventional or addressable fire system, we have the knowledge to diagnose and resolve issues efficiently.

Willow Fire & Security Bromley

Schedule Your Fire Alarm Servicing or Repair Today

Don’t wait until an emergency arises. Ensure the reliability and safety of your fire alarm with professional servicing and repair. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or discuss your specific needs. We are committed to keeping your fire systems in optimal condition for the security and well-being of your occupants.

Our Fire Servicing and Repair Process

  • Initial Assessment: Our technicians conduct a thorough inspection of your fire system to identify any existing issues or potential areas of concern.

  • Detailed Servicing: We perform a comprehensive servicing that includes thorough checks of all devices in the property, load testing & real time checks.

  • Diagnostic Testing: Our team utilises advanced diagnostic tools to identify any hidden issues that may affect the efficiency of your fire system.

  • Repairs and Replacements: If any devices or components are found to be faulty or nearing the end of their lifespan, we discuss repair options with you and proceed with replacements as needed.

  • Testing and Certification: Once repairs are completed, we conduct rigorous testing to ensure that your fire system operates according to specifications. We provide you with the necessary certification and documentation to confirm compliance.



Week Days 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 5:00
Sunday 11:00 – 4:00

0208 325 1427


Fire & Security Services

Willow Fire & Security are experts in the field of fire and security. Below are a list of services we provide for business and commercial properties.

Fire Alarm Maintenance

Regular test & inspect fire alarms, replace batteries as needed and educate occupants on emergency procedures.

Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting provides illumination during power outages, ensuring safe evacuation and visibility in critical situations for occupants.

Fire Alarm Installation

Commercial fire alarm installation ensures strategic placement, adherence to safety codes, and rigorous testing for optimal protection in businesses..


Automatic Opening Vent (AOV) in fire safety: Rapid smoke extraction, enhancing evacuation, and minimizing damage for enhanced safety.


Hikvision 4K CCTV: High-resolution video, superior image clarity, advanced surveillance features, and cutting-edge technology for optimal security

Access Control

Enhance security with electronic systems, biometric features, and keyless entry, ensuring controlled and monitored access.

Green Tick


Our fire maintenance and security company assures top-tier quality through advanced technology and expertly trained technicians. Committed to the highest industry standards, we conduct rigorous fire system inspections and security assessments to safeguard your premises. In the unlikely event of any service discrepancy, our quality guarantee ensures swift resolution and corrective measures. We prioritize your peace of mind, standing by our commitment to excellence in fire safety and security, reinforcing trust in every aspect of our service.


Do you need help with Fire Maintenance, CCTV or Security? Fill out this form to get in touch.

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0208 325 1427


07968 779 503


8:00am – 6:00pm


0208 325 1427


07968 779 503


8:00am – 6:00pm